Oklahoma AgCredit is giving back a record $8 million to members! This record year reflects the strength of Oklahoma’s agricultural community, even during a pandemic. Patronage checks were mailed to eligible members on April 2, 2021.
“At Oklahoma AgCredit, we value you as a member,” says CEO Patrick Zeka. “We return a Patronage to members because our cooperative structure ensures members’ needs come first. Through Patronage returns, our members share in the success of the Association.”
“After Patronage is paid to members, remaining profit is used to build our financial strength and maintain a capital position strong enough to provide consistent, reliable service in good times and bad,” said CFO Malinda Thimmesch. “Patronage effectively lowers farmers’ and ranchers’ cost of borrowing money. We’re also committed to offering competitive interest rates in addition to Patronage.”
Historically, Oklahoma AgCredit holds open house events at each lending location to celebrate our partnerships with members. Due to health concerns for customers and employees, all open house events were canceled for 2021.
If you have questions about this Patronage or if we may be of service to you in any way, please feel free to contact your local office. Our vision is to provide simply delivered financial services that members recommend, employees take pride in, and our communities seek to realize their dreams.
*Only eligible borrowers will receive Patronage. Borrowers who are not eligible: 1) opted out of receiving Patronage; 2) have a distribution of less than $50; 3) have a non-accrual or delinquent loan or; 4) have a construction loan. Please contact your local branch if you have questions about Patronage eligibility. Branch contact information can be found at okagcredit.com