Oklahoma AgCredit supports rural communities and agriculture in good times and bad. “Bad” in early 2019 was a result of unusual, torrential rains that led to prolonged flooding across the most of the state.
To help ease burdens caused by floodwaters, the Oklahoma AgCredit Board of Directors approved a $25,000 donation to the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) Natural Disaster Relief Fund and a $20,000 donation to the Oklahoma Southern Baptist Convention (BGCO) Disaster Relief Fund.
Money donated to OCA was awarded to applicants based on loss of cattle, fence, pasture, wheat pasture or hay. The OCA Foundation passes all of the donations to cattlemen in need. Disaster funds were distributed in the early fall.
The BGCO used donations to help repair homes, buildings, schools and churches in flooded areas. Specialized teams were deployed to help with clean-up and rebuilding. Teams trained in skills needed following a natural disaster cleared debris, mud, and fallen trees. They cleared sheetrock, nails and flooring from waterlogged structures. After those areas were dry, they cleaned salvageable framework, applying a solvent to kill mold. BGCO crews never charge for the work they perform.
2019 ranked as the fourth wettest year since 1921 with 41.83 inches of rainfall between January to early November, according to the Oklahoma Climatological Survey.
Whether it be through drought or flood, Oklahoma AgCredit remains a lender for the long haul. We support rural communities and agriculture in all seasons.